Home Inspections – Let the Adventure Begin!
As you embark on the road to home ownership, either for the first time or for the umpteenth time, it should go without saying how important it is to conduct thorough research well in advance. It is a monumental investment after all, one that requires careful consideration and scrutiny.
You have certainly been diligent about finding the right location for your new home, as well as the right aesthetics that appeal to you. You may be ready to make an offer on your ideal home and in a hurry to sign all the papers, get the keys and lay down the welcome mat, but it’s important to conduct a complete home inspection as part of the process. The importance of a first-rate home inspection cannot be overemphasized, as you’ll be living with a home’s quirks and imperfections for years to come.
As the home buyer, you are in charge of selecting and hiring the home inspector. Your realtor may provide you with several of their trusted resources, but ultimately, it’s your decision. It makes sense that you would want to carefully research and vet your chosen home inspector in advance of making an offer.
Not all home inspections are created equal and it’s in your best interest to find the one that will not only do a thorough inspection of the home, but will educate you of any deficiencies along the way. Your inspector should be knowledgeable about possible pitfalls, and communicate with you about any concerns. They should recognize your limitations in the DIY-sphere — and be aware of your budget for repairs.
It’s also a good idea to make sure your chosen home inspector has time in their schedule to accommodate your inspection. As you can imagine, they tend to be in high demand and short supply, especially in the busier real estate seasons. You don’t want to lose any time in that critical period between submitting an offer and starting the financial paperwork; get all your critical elements in place at the start.
Before going down the rabbit hole of searching for a local home inspection company via the conventional methods – doing a Google, Yelp or other online search – keep in mind those searches tend to be slightly biased based on advertising dollars spent by the top ranked businesses.
Asking friends, family and business associates will also result in limited results; just because they didn’t have an issue with their home inspection, doesn’t mean you will have the same experience. It’s best not to choose your home inspector blindly.
You should hire an experienced home inspector that can provide references, has positive online reviews, and a clean record with the Better Business Bureau. They should also provide you with a copy of their inspection form before the inspection so you can see what items are covered.
Their job is to investigate whether or not everything in the home is in good working order, as well as to make sure there are no health or safety concerns. They should be unbiased and ethical. You and the seller put your trust and confidence in the inspector for peace of mind that the home is prepped for the sale. If the home inspector finds the house to have a myriad of issues, it can negate the sale altogether. But it’s better to know what you’re getting into, so that you have the information to decide whether or not you’re prepared to proceed with the sale.
On inspection day — depending on the size and complexity of the home — count on about two to three hours to complete the inspection, at a cost of about $300 and up.
Here is an overview of home items the inspector will be checking. It’s the inspector’s responsibility to take photos and make notes about their findings. Be prepared to speak to your agent about which items you’ll want the seller to repair and which ones you can handle on your own. Also please note that some of these items might add to the cost of your inspection.
– Exterior
– Structure
– Roof
– Gutters
– Downspouts
– Foundation
– Lot
– Attic
– Basement or crawl space
– Paint
– Flooring
– Appliances
– Lights
– Electrical panel
– Furnace
– Water heater
– Air conditioner
– Plumbing
– Water damage
– Mold/mildew
– Windows
– Doors
– Odors
– Pests
If any issues reveal that a trade specialist is required to get a more detailed assessment, be prepared to consider hiring those out, too – such as a plumber, electrician, HVAC, pest control, etc.
The home inspector should do their due diligence to give your chosen home a thorough inspection. However, sometimes unforeseen issues arise after the sale is final. It’s important that you’re covered with a good home warranty. Consider your home inspection as your new homeowner’s manual until you can get more acquainted with it as its new owner.
HouseCheck’s mission is to simplify the home inspection process for homeowners in a growing number of locations across the United States. The company’s inspectors are comprised of a team of industry experts who support you during this important step of the home buying experience, putting your mind at ease. They are equipped with the most advanced tools and resources supporting them to go above and beyond for their customers, ensuring their trust and satisfaction:
Unconditional money back guarantee
FREE 120-day home warranty
FREE 90-day home buy-back satisfaction guarantee
Established in Boise, Idaho, HouseCheck now has home inspection offices in many locations throughout the United States including Las Vegas, Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Nashville, Indianapolis, South Bend, Ann Arbor, Philadelphia, Wilmington, New Jersey, Southwest Florida, and more to come.
In addition to home inspections, HouseCheck offers other services to support the home buyer and home seller, including HouseFax (property reports), and an innovative program, the Certified Pre-Owned Home.
HouseCheck’s Certified Pre-Owned Home program is the ideal solution for all involved in a real estate transaction. Similar to the used car industry, it reduces the stress related to home buying, for both buyers and sellers. We ensure this in four simple, yet comprehensive, steps:
- HouseCheck conducts a thorough pre-market home inspection.
- Post-inspection, the homeowner corrects any major deficiencies to key systems and appliances.
- Once repairs are finished, HouseCheck re-inspects the home to verify the repairs have been made.
- Upon completion, a one-year warranty is included in the cost.
A Certified Pre-Owned Home makes great financial sense, as you can’t put a price tag on peace of mind. It also helps to foster a positive relationship and rapport between all parties in the home buying process.
Buying a home can be an emotional rollercoaster for many people. With occasional drops, twists and turns, it can leave everyone ‘on the ride’ feeling stressed, nauseous and burnt out. But when you have solid partners on your team (like home inspectors) helping you navigate the ride more smoothly, it makes it much more enjoyable. So when the sale is final and you receive your new keys, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief, knowing you’ve made it! Then you can let your next adventure begin!
To learn more about HouseCheck growing family of home inspection and related services, please visit housecheck.com.
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